Change it Up
It’s not my favorite time of year but I have a hard time not having things to go out and shoot. So when it snows and even though it’s early and bitter cold you get up and go out to shoot before everyone stomps around in the snow. My first idea was to go shoot at a local historical plantation. Had good ideas of what I wanted until I rounded the bend and police had blocked off the road due to a power line down. Could have gone home knowing I had boxing to shoot that afternoon but I thought I would drive to a local lighthouse. I like the feeling that I can be flexible and change things up at the last minute. Plans should be subject to change. Don’t get pinned down to one thing. An opportunity is always waiting if you will just be willing to have an open mind. So much in the weeks and months ahead. I have some track and field, swimming championships, and yes, starting in a couple of weeks Navy baseball. There will be more pro wrestling before opening day for the Blue Crabs and Baysox. Time to clean the mind and get creative.